CST2505 Introduction to Linux

Book: No book required.

Course Syllabus

Course Grades D2L Brightspace

Current Lecture recordings D2L Brightspace

VMware Workstation & Fusion product downloads.
Download -> Workstation - Fusion

Oracle VirtualBox product downloads.

Various videos that contain topics of interest.

Various websites that contain topics of interest.

Intial assignment to establish attendance

Student Profile (Due by Frinday morning of first week!)

Week 1 Topic and Labs

Week 2 Topic and Labs

Week 3 Topic and Labs

Week 4 Topic and Labs

Week 5 Topic and Labs

Week 6 Topic and Labs

Week 7 Topic and Labs

Week 8 Topic and Labs

Week 9 Topic and Labs

Week 10 Topic and Labs

Week 11 Topic and Labs

Week 12 Topic and Labs

Week 13 Topic and Labs

Week 14 Topic and Labs